Health and Wellness Ages 10-16

Live Zoom Class: Thursday, September 24 @ 3:30PM Join Zoom Meeting

Lesson 2

Welcome to Week #2 in Health & Wellness for Pre-Teens/Teens. This week we are talking about Physical Fitness! Yea, pump it up! (LOL I know I’m corny) 
Please review the pre-recorded video and handout and complete the worksheet. I will see you all in the live zoom class!

Mark those Calendars! Live Zoom Class is on: Wednesday, October 1 at 3:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting

Lesson 3

Hello! I hope all is well with you all! Welcome to week #3 in Health and Wellness for Pre-Teens/Teens! This is my favorite week – NUTRITION!

 I have a lot of information for you all so make sure to look over the handout and watch the pre-recorded video. Then you can complete the optional worksheets. Hope to see you in the live zoom class.
Have fun and happy learning!

Lesson 4

Welcome to week #4 of Health and Wellness for Pre-Teens/Teens. This week we will talk about something most important: Mental Wellness and Self-Care. There are many different handouts and worksheets for you guys to give a go in addition to watching the pre-recorded video where I talk about healthy relationships. See you in the Live Zoom Class! 
Enjoy your self-care!


Live Zoom Class: Thursday, October 15 at 3:30 pm Join Zoom Meeting\

Lesson 5

Wow, we are almost finished. In week #5 we are talking about Illnesses and specifically what to do when we, inevitably, become sick. There is a handout and a pre-recorded video in additional to an optional worksheet. Hope to see you all in the live class!

Live Zoom Class: Thursday, October 22 @3:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting