Learn Live with Mrs. Bowden!
Learn ASL live with Heather Bowden! Please email her here for details. Find the course outline here.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Welcome to Week #2 of basic ASL! You are doing great Here is the materials that you will need to practice this week. The ASL Color by Number is an optional worksheet just for fun and to help you get better at recognizing the number signs. Also, going forward, there will be an additional bonus material included in your lesson. This is optional. It is there for those of you who want a challenge. It is also reviewed at the end of the pre-recorded lesson. You can always come back to these bonuses later – don’t overwhelm yourself. Remember, live classes are necessary so I will see you all Friday, September 18!
Happy Signing!
Teacher Heather
Lesson 3
Lesson #4
You are doing great! Week #4 is here and going to be so much fun!! This week we will learn some of my favorite signs: Animals and Foods. As always, there is a pre-recorded video for you to watch and some handouts to review, accompanied by an optional worksheet and bonus signs.
Happy practicing! See you in class!
Lesson 5
Hello Parents and Students!
We are almost half way to the end of class. That means we are on Week #5. This week we will start to learn some sentences – Yay! We will also learn more new signs such as ones for places and feelings.
As I mentioned above, we are almost at the half way point meaning that next week, week #6, we will have a mid assessment. For the mid assignment, your child will sign a book from Eric Carle. They will pick ONE book to sign: “Brown Bear, Brown Bear,” “Panda Bear, Panda Bear,” or “Polar Bear, Polar Bear.” They do not need to have the book but if you do, that’s great. I have all the signs for the books already in a packet. I want to make sure they have plenty of time to study the book so please email me back, as soon as possible, with their choice of which book they want to sign so that I can email over that packet early.
Thank you! Heather
Lesson 6 – Mid-Assessment
Yea! You are half way to the end of Basic ASL! Welcome to week #6 – mid-assessment time! You choose “Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?” for signing. During the live class I will pull up the power point and you can sign it to the power point. That’s why I included the powerpoint for you to practice. Can’t wait to see you sign this story!
Happy Practicing!
Lesson 7
So now it’s week #7. Time to not only learn about people, wants/needs, but also time to start putting these signs together to form “sentences.”
You are doing great!
Lesson 8
Welcome to week #8. We are nearing the end. This week we are going to learn some signs for verbs and nouns that we haven’t learned yet. There is a handout and a pre-recorded video for your viewing in addition to an optional worksheet. This is a special week because it is the only week you have written homework to complete. Please have it back to me by Friday evening (10/30) so that I have time to prepare week 10 for you.
Also, special this week, is an additional video to teach a few Halloween signs since Halloween is just around the corner so have fun with these additional signs.
Lesson 9
There is not much to this week because we are talking about deaf culture. Please review the materials and we will discuss more about this topic in the live class. See you then!
Pre-Recorded Video Link: (I have having trouble uploading the video. I will continue to try but in the meantime I wanted to get you the rest of the material)
Lesson 10
Lesson 11
It’s review time! There is no video for this week because it is all review but soon it is Thanksgiving so enjoy a few Thanksgiving themed signs.
NO PRE-RECORDED VIDEO THIS WEEK! Email me and we can go over your